Project 4 - Sense of Place

Artist Statement

The location I chose to photograph for this project is my home. I live in northern SD with my parents and my younger sister. Much of my photos are influenced by my sister, Anya. I captured some of her knick knacks, such as the little duck in her car. Music is also a big part of our lives, as Anya and I have played piano (and other various instruments) for about 10 years. Thus the pictures of our keyboard in the living room. 

With these images, I wanted to convey what felt like home for me–which is my family. So while they aren’t included in these images, the content reminds me of them. Like the coffee machine makes me think of my mom–her and I are addicted to coffee. The unfinished basement, the not always clean kitchen, and the dusty keyboard may not be pretty–but it’s home.

--Ksenia Unser


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